Saturday, December 15, 2012

Down for some Monkey Business

     I was poking about in the freezer, searching for something to eat and saw a bag of what looks to be calamari.  I've made this mistake many times over the (we'll say months) only to realize that it is a bag of sliced frozen bananas.  Time for some Monkey Business!  You'll need:
  • 1 lb of frozen and sliced bananas
  • 3 oz heavy whipping cream
  • 10 oz nonfat Greek Yogurt
  • splash of vanilla
  • cinnamon to taste ( I forgot to add it, so I guess my taste was 0%)
  • 5 spoonfuls of Asian cereal mix (I'll see if I can find a substitute that can be easily found by the masses)
     I first blent (new word for you Webster's) the banana slices to get an idea of how many I actually added so that I could tell you all exactly what to expect when expecting a banana smoothie.  I guessed a pound and it blended down to 500ml.  not really important I guess... Anyways, I suppose blend everything but the cereal and whipping cream until smooth, this might be hell on lesser blenders.  Then add the cereal, thoroughly blend, and finish by blending in the whipping cream.  Let it blend for a good while; not so long that it burns the motor, but long enough to really whip up  that crème and moisten that cereal up.  If successful you should end up with a smooth consistency of a milkshake ice cream.  A good blender will really whip up a frothy treat so long as you don't skimp out on that whipping cream. 

Manchurian Candidate

In celebration of Chinese elections, I bring unto you the Manchurian Candidate: 
  • 2 cups nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 3 cups  fresh strawberries
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • splash vanilla
  • 1/3 cup Asian cereal mix (you're going to have to search your local ethnic food store for this one)
  • agave to taste
Throw everything but the cereal mix into the blender in a manner that won't jam up the blades.  Your blender is different than my blender, so I cannot speculate as to what layering scheme will suit you best.  Get things mixed up and then start adding the cereal.  you can dump it all in, at the beginning even ,but I take no responsibility for you cutting yourself on a blade if and when you have to guide a spoon into the depths of the pitcher in an effort to dislodge compacted cereal powder.  At least the blood will blend right in with the already red Manchurian Candidate.  Should make several cups of deliciousness; serve with friends or drink it all on your own and call it breakfast.